Film Production
This course is a five terms school programs in which you learn everything there is to know about screenplays, storyboards, lighting...
TV production
TFS has the best equipment possible for the technical aspect of learning TV production. During the first term, students learn the business aspect. Dealing with the pressure and learn to predict eventual problems. TV production has 6 terms and graduates can find employment in stations and/or networks.
Recording Arts technology
This course is a 5 term study made for students who love music, recordings... Students can find employment in movies, television commercials...
Computer Animation
This course is to learn everything about Graphic Art and is perfect for people who love Visual Arts. The student's final project is a video of one to two minutes, showing what they can do best. They learn 3D animation, Figure Sculpture, Special Effects to create on software and many many other interesting things.
Post Production
This is another great opening for Film and television students who are looking forward to produce. As a project, they produce a short film all on their own, to have a good training before employment.
Acting for Film, Television, and theatre
This class is very handy, you learn to get in the skin of a character, learn to imitate accents, anything that could be helpful for an actor in the future.
2D Animation and Comic Art
This is a course where you learn to make your own professional portfolio. You also learn helpful things such has "life Drawing" and "Character Design".
This is avideo from TFS called "the robbery"
Another really reputated school would be the Vancouver Film school, where they release a DVD of students work every years.
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