Search no further. The website I recommend for anybody who needs information on a movie is IMDB (Internet Movie Database). What you can find in there is beyond imagination. Statistically, fifty seven million of people go on IMDB every month. Not only can you find the cast and crew of a movie, photos, movies in box office, and DVD releases, but you can find lots and lots more. You can have updates about every movie released on DVD, Blu Ray and HD DVD's. You can have news and updates on actors and movies. There is also a feature that allows you to have a list of all your favorite movies.
Are you wondering if you will like a movie? IMDB offers tag lines of the movie, trailers, the genre, the actors, the plot, quotes and best of all; user comments. A really cool thing about this website is the "spoiler button". If you don't really want to know what it’s about, but you only want to know the cast in the movie, the button says scroll over for details, so as long as you don't scroll over, you can be kept in the dark, until viewing the movie.
You can find a movie's official site through the movie database, parental recommendations, synopsis and even the release date of the movie. What happens when you go see a movie, and you hear a song that you like but you don't know the name of the song? On IMDB, you search the name of the movie and then find the soundtrack listing. You can find the runtime of a movie, the language and the country it was made in.
Let's say you don't remember the exact name of an actor, in search, there is an option called "Approx matches". As a test, I tried to type in Matt Diamond, instead of Matt Damon. The system found the proper spelling for me! IMDB has fun features like a different poll question every day, a daily trivia, who was born on today's date and a daily quote from someone famous (actor, producer...). IMDB is in three different languages: English, Italian and Dutch. This website has been up since 18 years, they are constantly hiring new staff. Users rank movies all the time and you get to see the top 250 movies from their perspective. I worship this website!
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