“The American deam is belief in the freedom that allows all citizens and residents of the United States to pursue their goals in life through hard work and free choice.” The American Dream is something very utopist. It varies from a person to another, but usually, we have all the same American dream. Medias started to put labels in this common dream, and the world started slowly to adopt those labels.
Living the dream as a family: As a kid, and still now, we have ideas of what we want our lives to look like. Maybe raise a family? Probably the goal of many people throughout history. People want to find true love, hoping that their true love will be a high-School first love, get married with that person, and raise a family... Have a really close family, love each other no matter what. The thing about this is that to get to that dream, it takes time energy and compromises, people don’t want to work hard to get what they want. A girl’s dream of a perfect wedding would be, walking the aisle, being the prettiest person in the whole room, getting married in the south We all think about raising a family to give knowledge, give love, and to protect a life the very best you can. In movies, usually you will see the perfect family as a wife, an husband and two kids, a girl and a boy.
Living the dream, rich: People like to dream big. Dreaming of graduating in a prestigious school like Harvard, in which the chances of entering are really slim. We all get fooled easily, that’s probably why so much people play the lottery, in hope of a better tomorrow. Getting a good job is important for most, being on the top of the food chain, being successful and appreciated for your work. Some people have slightly different points of view, some citizens will forget the fact that they hate their jobs, but will do it anyway, because it is well paid.
Living the dream in “Death of s salesman”: We can say that this book is the complete opposite of the American dream. The family is torn apart from betrayal and money problems. Members of the family are poor, and failed to get a successful career. The Dad, in the family is half senile, and they have to borrow money from the neighbors.
Living the dream in “The pursuit of happyness”: This movie is ultra touching, partly because it is based on a true story. The pursuit of happyness is the story of a man doing all he possibly can to provide for himself and his son.
Living the dream for Barack Obama: Barak Obama being the president of the United States is a big step in history. First African American to get elected, people hope for the best. Barack had a hard beginning of life. His dad left the family when he was really young. But, he is now a politician, and soon to be the president of the United States. He worked extremely hard to achieve his goal, and I really hope to see how good a president he can be!
For a movie to qualify under the cathegory of Drama or comedies, here's the content necessary.
Drama can fall under four cathegories. The first one is drama and comedy putted together. It usually has as much comedy as it has drama in a specific movie. The second one woudl be a "melodrama", the most popular types of drama, in which the whole story involves something trajic, such as death, break ups, family problems and more. A good example of this kind of movies would be "The pursuit of hapiness". Other names used to to talk about melodramas would be "tearjerkers", or "chick flicks". Romance movies is another type of drama, but usually has his own cathegory. Tragedy is the last type of drama, it is much like a melodrama, but the difference is a tragedy is around a mistake made by the principal "caracter".
Comedy cathegory is supposed to bring a smile or to make you laugh. Romantic comedy such as what happens in Vegas, science fiction comedy such as spaceballs, action comedies, such has rush hour. Screwball comedy (often about weddings) such as My big fat Greek wedding. Slapstick comedy (not really any plotline) such as Mr. Bean and least but not last dark humour, such as Harold and Kumar.
Split Screen are an editing tool to make a scene look different and to show either more than one action at the time, or the same action, but from different camera shots. To me personally, I hate to miss out on anything, so I usually end up rewinding the scene, and focus on only one scene at a time.
The technology made split screen a lot easier to make, but 20 years ago, it was a little bit more complicated. They had to film the actions separately, and replicate both images on the same negative.
In a DVD special features, where the directors and actors are being filmed to talk about a movie's special effects and behind the scenes, usually there will be a smaller screen to show what they are mentioning and to help the viewers to visualize better.
Often also, the split screen is used to show a telephone conversation between two persons.
This is a video of That 70's show splitscreen scenes, hilarious clip.
Alliance Atlantis is a Canadian company in Toronto. It has now offices in places such as Los Angeles, Madrid, Barcelona and Sydney. Alliance Atlantis Communications Inc started to exist in 1998.
Alliance Altantis putted money putted money for the making of "Bowling for Columbine" which other companies’ didn’t want to invest in because they called that project "too controversial".
Alliance was one of Canada's top 100 employers in 2007. Alliance Atlantis is the only broadcast company to be in that list. Alliance Vivafilm is the equal of Alliance Atlantis but for Quebecor made movies.
Alliance Atlantis holds shares of BBC Canada, Food Network Canada, IFC Canada, National Geographic, Channel Canada, Showcase, Historia and Scream.
There is around 20 categories in which a movie can fit. This blog will talk about film genre. Usually, a movie fits in a category based on: the setting, the theme, the mood and the format. The setting is where the movie takes place. The theme is the main subject of the movie. The emotion that people get from a movie is called the mood. And at last, the way the movie was made (equipment, digital) is called the format.
You can also put a "tag" on a movie by picking a specific audience for your movie. A film can have many genres combined in the same movie, which in my opinion makes it way more interesting.
Some people think that movies always fit into more than one category. Because often you will find romance in action or horror movies...
It is debated that a movie genre could also be categorized because of the following: "Idealist method": Categorized into a genre by fitting "standards".
"Empirical method": Categorizes a movie by other previous movies that have elements in common.
"Social conventions": A movie classified to the country's social cultural beliefs (What is a romance in Europe could be an erotic movie in Canada).
Themes - Here are some very common themes in movies
Sports movies: Include baseball, hockey and boxing.
Espionage: About crime activities, either from the criminal perspective, or the security perspective
Here are the different format movies: A format of live action is basically a movie with actors to present a story.
An animation movie is another type of format. It involves 2-D pictures, made like a cartoon.
A biography is about somebody that contributed to change the human world in any way, and presents real facts of that person's life.
A documentary also presents real facts, but as a way to inform of an existing problem.